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Customise PFCLScan

PFCLScan is a powerful tool and is used as the core of all of our other software products. This is done mainly with projects and policies and plugins. PFCLScan is able to create projects that includes any number of policies that in turn includes many checks. These checks actually do the work and can be written in many different langauges such as SQL, PL/SQL, DOS, SHELL, FTP, LUA and many more. Plugins in PFCLScan are just normal projects in PFCLScan. This is a mechanism that we use internally to implement other products more rapidly and easily.

Internal features of the scanner itself and also other products are written as plugins. PFCLScan can also be completely run from the command line to run scans and also to create reports and more. Because of this we can easily allow others to embed PFCLScan into their products or to use our software and integrate into other software already owned and used.

We have a number of ways we can allow customers to use and extend and customise PFCLScan. These are driven by PFCLScan but because our other prodicts are built on PFCLScan its possible to customise many of these as well. These customisation options are listed here:

  • Embed PFCLScan into your product: We can provide an OEM version of PFCLScan that is a cut down engine and policies and everything to run a scan in PFCLScan. We provide a toolkit of the core PFCLScan engines and we supply an authentication DLL. Your code must load and run the DLL to store the database credentials in our format. Then you can execute our scanner engine with one command. This command runs the scan and produced either an XML report or a JSON report (we can create any report format that you need if required). This means integration into your prodiuct is incredibly simple and all you need to do is run the DLL to create the credentials, run our OEM scanner and collect our report and process it. You can add database security checking to your product easily or even one of our other projects. Contact us by email at for more details
  • Embed PFCLScan into your service or process: Another option to integrate PFCLScan or one of its child products into your tools or products is to us it inline. A good example would be PFCLObfuscate or PFCLCode. If you develop PL/SQL then its easy to integrate our products into your workflow as they can all run from the command line so are easy to integrate with other systems. So your PL/SQL can be checked inline after development for security issues with PFCLCode and can be then protected inline with PFCLObfuscate.
  • Send output from our tools: Some customers also need to manage security information in other products or repositories such as SIEM systems. PFCLScan uses a very simple but very flexible and powerful reporting engine that allows any text file to be a report template. This makes it very easy to integrate PFCLScan or PFCLCode into any bigger reporting and management solution. PFCLScan can be customised to easily create reports that are actually SQL Insert scripts for instance and then also run these and copy the output of a scan into security reporting database. This is a great way to simply integrate PFCLScan or PFCLCode into your overall security management
  • Brand PFCLScan as your product: We allow customers to brand PFCLScan as their own product for sale using white labelling. Contact us by email at for more details
  • Create your own projects and policies: Customers can create their own policies, projects and reports for PFCLScan. These can be for any technology that can be accessed via PFCLScan. PFCLScan is not limited to scanning just Oracle databases. Customers can create projects/policies/checks and reports for technology that we will not create similar projects and checks for. This means there is a business opertunity or these customers to partner with us. They can easily combine their projects/policies/checks with our white labeled product and be able to get to market rapidly without the need to create the whole infrastructure and engines and report tools. Contact us by email at for more details
  • Integrate as a tool command: Because PFCLScan can be run from the command line its easy to add PFCLScan to other existing tools as a tool command. Talk to us for details and examples
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